Dossiers   3
Rest is part of training

Rest or laziness?

A large number guided by a priori noble motives, a desire to surpass themselves noble motives, a desire to surpass themselves and an unalterable to progress, often consider any failure to follow a "Spartan" training Spartan" training plan is a sign of weakness, unforgivable laziness.

These sentiments honor them, but they need to put themselves in a more lucid and balanced lucid and balanced logic. If the saying "a day's training can only be made up for in ten days" is well known, taking it literally to the letter can lead to abuse and be counterproductive. and defeat the purpose.

Our physiology

The human body has one intrinsic property, it is that of always naturally wanting to return to an average "called homeostasis. The effects of all training is to "take off" from this state, in order to state, in order to improve our endurance, resistance, maximum heart rate and resting heart rate, useful cardiac and pulmonary volume, our VO2Max (warning to connoisseurs! ), etc.

Another tendency of the body is to regain the benefits of an increase in energy potential when training is stopped or slowed down.

In this complex complex mechanism, it's vital to alternate work and rest phases judiciously. work and rest phases. Rest phases are in fact called "recovery", which removes any pejorative connotation of passive inactivity or sedentariness.

Recovery can be of variable duration, more or less "active", in which case it can even be an integral part of a training session (in the same way as stretching - cf. see our dossier N° 1).

Physical effort, whether in terms of load intensity or volume, raises the body's energy level to the extent that it exceeds the fatigue threshold, which threshold of fatigue, which reflects the demand on available energy reserves available energy reserves, allowing the body to increase its potential through a phenomenon called "overcompensation".

Energy potential management

But the important thing is to know that this increase only becomes available for a new effort after a period of recovery, immediately following the work period. In other words , if you're not careful, not only will you fail to assimilate the benefits of a session the body to a potentially harmful state of exhaustion.

There are, however, exceptions to this principle, such as when preparing for a particular event, where the aim is to reach performance, which is only available two or three times a year. or three times a year.

In the latter case , we maintain the pace of our training sessions without waiting for complete recovery between sessions. But the deficit thus created must have to be made up by a longer rest period, two or even three days just before the event, in order to reach the state of "super-overcompensation"

In fact, we can see that the two ways of raising energy potential are quite similar in terms of results, as long as they are properly conducted, and accompanied by accompanied by the necessary attention to diet diet, hydration, sleep, etc.

In conclusion...

We know all about all the problems that can arise in the course of an athlete's career, whether they be musculo-tendinous (strains, contractures, tears, (strains, contractures, tears, strains), joints (strains, dislocations, sprains) or bones (fatigue fractures, etc.). "fatigue" fractures, etc.). These hazards interrupt our activity, make us suffer, and can - repeatedly - create motor handicaps (fibrosis, calcification, hardening of connective tissue hardening of connective tissue, etc.). So, above all, it's essential to know yourself well, and a minimum understanding of exercise physiology in order to organize your training plan in the best possible way. in the best possible way.

All this, combined with an appropriate lifestyle and a clear mentality, will enable us to practice our favourite Martial Art with maximum maximum pleasure and safety for many, many years to come. years to come.

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