Lovers of martial arts and combat sports enthusiasts of all kinds, whether
curious, readers of specialized magazines or occasional
or occasional visitors, are confronted with a plethora
a plethora of styles, variants and schools, whose subtle
subtle differences, if they exist at all, are maintained
in a quasi-esoteric mystery
of Japanese-sounding terms, most of which are derived
the fertile imagination of their authors.
of their authors.
Not so long ago, many people were happy to see such diversification
diversification as a source of wealth. But now,
we're on the verge of a form of saturation, a headlong rush
often for commercial or advertising reasons, moving ever further
from the essential.
"Drawing water from the stream“ ”Finding the Source"
And this means
the most “saleable” discourse suddenly becomes that of the
back to basics and the quest for authenticity.
authenticity. Although the principle is very laudable
laudable, a new trap replaces the old one,
when the term “tradition” is overused without being based
One of our forums is dedicated to this problem,
which has been prompted by questions from our members, but also from visitors to our site.
And what do you think?