Editorials 5
Strict and rigorous on the grades awarded in internal examinations

In contrast to some clubs practice a form of “clientelism”, where Kyus, and often Dans too, are granted in a way that is sometimes in a kind of headlong rush, SSK is particularly strict and rigorous about grades awarded during internal examinations.

Granting Grades too easily or quickly, under the pretext of “encouraging” the practitioner (or is it not sometimes to promote oneself? ), is a disservice to the practitioner. And proof of this, if any were needed, is the difference in level from one Dojo to another between practitioners of the same practitioners of the same “theoretical” grade.

Out of respect for our members, and also so as not to depart principles of our practice, every effort is made to ensure that their grade is always the closest reflection of their level, with the necessary attention and lucidity, in their own interest, and not to prevail over others. the Association and its Dojos by the number of its more or less high-graded members.

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