Forum 6
When will be your first special training ?

The first Special Stage is always an unforgettable experience, with its trail of discoveries, efforts, etc., but also satisfactions in all areas. This forum is aimed primarily at juniors, but also at all other “neophytes” in the field, who are considering, with varying degrees of apprehension, but also a great deal of motivation taking part in their first speial training.

Question : "So, how was it ?..."

SSK : This is how the first question first question is usually asked. It's difficult to give a one-word answer, other than to say “good”, “great”, etc. But what all these words have in common positive character and the enthusiasm that shines through.

The first Special training is always a unique experience in the life of a practitioner, and this was confirmed once again this time. Overall, we can say that objectives and expectations were both for the participants and for the staff, the latter having already experienced more than twenty special trainings.

Q. : For example?

SSK : We'll start with the participants' point of view. All expressed a strong sense of satisfaction, of having accomplished something personal, of having in some way revealed themselves in some way. In fact are structures with this kind of test, pushing people to the limits of their physical and mental capabilities.

The moments of discouragement, suffering, intense fatigue, with a few more or less disturbing spared no one, but everyone's willpower the will of each and every one of them, and they not only not only “held out”, but demonstrated exemplary behavior. Group dynamics once again proved that it was an inescapable factor in the success the majority of events.

For management, the risky gamble of attending the Special Stage with a sufficiently representative workforce in the Club's the Club's third season, was met. Our satisfaction of having been able to build up an initial nucleus, and ensure preparation, both physical, technical and mental and mental preparation, so that each player can find his or her niche, in good synergy with the others.

Q. : What were the most difficult moments?

SSK : This varies from person to person. But in any case, the second day day, which includes 4 training sessions, starting at 6 a.m. by maintaining the “Kiba Dachi” posture for an hour and a half, and finishing at 1 a.m. with with 1000 Kihon in the dark. Psychologically, the last training of the last day, with non-stop kumite for over an hour, is often difficult, as you have to go through 40 successive Black Belts who are waiting for you with bated breath!

Q. : And outside training ?

SSK : In fact, for essential recuperation, we spend all our free time bed, sleeping if you can, resting in any case. in any case. That leaves meals, which, despite heavy legs and tired features, meals are an extraordinary moment of reunion, in a warm atmosphere, with, what's more and, what's more, the food is very good and plentiful. moment of reunion, in a warm atmosphere,with, what's more, the food is very good and plentiful. For reasons of timing and physiology, there are only two balanced meals a day.

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