DOJO Information
6 The Dojo: a true refuge in a world apart
5 Strict and rigorous on the grades awarded in internal examinations
4 Don't want to "impose your ideas"
3 Karate is a school that reflects the image of life
2 "Tradition" and "Modernity"
1 "Traditional": back to basics and search for authenticity
25 The importance of a firm stand
24 The "back" leg
23 The meaning of "Torite"
22 True courage
21 The respect
20 Key points in self-defense
19 The evolution of motivation
18 Use your hips well
17 Reflection on "grade exams"
16 The "Kyu-test" at the Dojo
15 Equality and justice
14 Winter training
13 Black Belt - three important points
12 Where does Karate begin and end?
11 Realism and efficiency
10 Training during the off-season
9 The Kata and its applications
8 The Professor... "teacher" or "champion"?
7 "An eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth"?
6 The secret is in relaxation
5 "Grade" and "level" - what's the difference?
4 The straight line is indeed the shortest path
3 Rest is part of training
2 The "best" Martial Art ?
1 The importance of warm-up
6 When will be your first special training ?
5 Getting to know SSK and its Dojos better
4 Questions about the fights...
3 The "junior" members to discover...
2 The junior members have the floor...
1 These "special trainings" of traditional OHSHIMA Shotokan...
6 The natural weapons of Karate
5 Arbitration - (small) refresher
4 Do you know how to "visualize" a Kata?
3 How well do you know the Kata "Heian"?
2 A bit of technique and vocabulary...
1 What do you know about Karate?
Word from "SHIHAN"
SSK history