What do you know about Karate?
Click your choice of A, B or C for each question. Then go and discover the answers!

1. In Japanese, "Karate" means...

A. Chinese Fist
B. Empty hand
C. Japanese Boxing

2. The origins (thousands of years) of Karate can be found...

A. in China
B. in Japan
C. in India

3. Karate is practised in jacket and pants...

A. black
B. blue
C. white

4. The cradle of Karate in Japan is...

A. Okinawa
B. Kobe
C. Kyoto

5. The reciprocal greeting (Ritsu-Rei) is a sign of...

A. trust
B. submission
C. respect

6. Karate's ultimate vocation is to know how to...

A. win at all costs
B. avoid combat
C. fight without fear

7. The most important thing in Karate is to be...

A. fast and precise
B. strong and powerful
C. supple and muscular

8. Maximum efficiency is achieved through...

A. technique
B. breathing
C. hardening

9. What must prevail is...

A. reason
B. mind
C. emotion

10. Kumite (conventional assault) always begins with...

A. a Kiaļ
B. an attack
C. a greeting

11. Karate techniques are...

A. sweepings
B. atemis
C. projections

12. Vital energy is...

A. Ki
B. Yang
C. T'ai

13. Every technique must be preceded...

A. by an inspiration
B. by an expiration
C. by the look

14. In combat, I learn the most after...

A. a victory
B. a defeat
C. either

15. Strength comes mainly from our...

A. willingness
B. enthusiasm
C. belly

16. Vital points are places...

A. where the blood circulates
B. where energy sits
C. to harden

17. Obtaining the "black belt" is...

A. an achievement
B. a myth
C. a beginning

18. The goal is to dominate...

A. others
B. the teacher
C. yourself

19. If I fail to pass a grade, I...

A. protest
B. train even harder
C. leave the club

20. The Founder of "modern" Karate is...

A. Gichin Funakoshi
B. Moriheļ Ueshiba
C. Jigoro Kano


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