A bit of technique and vocabulary...
Click your choice of A, B or C for each question. Then go and discover the answers!

1. The term "Zen Kutsu" refers to...

A. a cult
B. a stance
C. a vital point

2. The purpose of the "Yoi" signal is to indicate...

A. the end of the training
B. the beginning of the fight
C. the state of vigilance

3. To succeed in a kick, the important thing is to...

A. raise the knee
B. know how to jump
C. do the splits

4. "Ude Uke" blocks the attacks...

A. low
B. medium
C. high

5. For "Gedan Baraï" we cock our fists...

A. at the hip
B. to the ear
C. in front of you

6. The strongest lateral stance is called...

A. Hachiji No Dachi
B. Hangetsu Dachi
C. Kiba Dachi

7. When I hear the "Yame” signal, I...

A. greet
B. come back to Yoi
C. take my basic stance

8. At the "Mokuso" at the start of the session, you have to...

A. concentrate
B. review Kata
C. clear your mind

9. When working with a partner, I try to...

A. overwhelm him
B. help him progress
C. improve myself

10. The "Taïkyoku Shodan” Kata includes...

A. 2 techniques
B. 4 techniques
C. 5 techniques

11. To strengthen a stance, you need to...

A. contract
B. clench your fists
C. lower the body

12. The "Kiaï” is the effect of...

A. fear
B. aggressiveness
C. breathing

13. The conventional "Sanbon Kumité” assault is...

A. in 3 steps
B. in 5 steps
C. freely

14. "Ten-No-Kata" is a form intended for...

A. beginners
B. experts
C. everybody

15. Physical suffering can be dominated by...

A. practice
B. mind
C. analgesics

16. If the instructor makes a comment...

A. I discuss it
B. I approve
C. I say nothing

17. When you're on the move, you need to keep...

A. low hips
B. legs straight
C. high shoulders

18. If I'm not too tired at the end, I...

A. feel fit
B. have improved myself
C. wasted my time

19. By the way, "Shotokan” means...

A. an animal
B. a house

20. A good workout ends with...

A. stretching
B. abs
C. pumps


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