How well do you know the Kata "Heian"?
Cliquez votre choix entre les propositions A, B ou C pour chaque question. Allez ensuite découvrir les réponses !

 1. In Shotokan, "Heian" are the Kata...

A. basic
B. advanced
C. top

 2. Their (remote) origins are...

A. hindu
B. korean
C. chinese

 3. In some styles, they're also called...

A. Naifanchi
B. Pinan
C. Gekisaï

 4. By the way, the number of Heian's is...

A. 6
B. 3
C. 5

 5. The most frequently encountered technique is...

A. Gedan Baraï
B. Oï Tsuki
C. Shuto Uke

 6. The Kata "Heian" with the most "Shuto Uke" is...

A. Shodan
B. Nidan
C. Yodan

 7. The most focused on leg techniques is "Heian"...

A. Nidan
B. Yodan
C. Godan

 8. "Heian Sandan" focuses on the stance...

A. Kiba Dachi
B. Ko Kutsu
C. Zen Kutsu

 9. The whole of "Heian" is reflected in the Kata...

A. Bassaï
B. Kanku
C. Gankaku

 10. \Heian Godan" has a unique feature...

A. 3 Kiaï
B. an Ushiro Geri
C. a jump

 11. "Heian Shodan" may be favorite Kata for grade examination...

A. yes
B. no
C. depends

 12. The 2nd "Kiaï" from "Heian Yodan" is on a...

A. Oï Tsuki
B. Morote Uke
C. Hiza Geri

 13. The longest Kata "Heian" is the...

A. Shodan
B. Nidan
C. Yodan

 14. The shortest of the "Heian's" is, on the contrary...

A. Shodan
B. Sandan
C. Godan

 15. The stance with fists joined at the hip is...

A. Heisoku Dachi
B. Musubi Dachi
C. Koshi Kamae

 16. Knowledge of "Heian's" is required for...

A. get started
B. the brown belt
C. the Nidan (2nd Dan)

 17. In "Heian Shodan", the 4th technique is (a priori)...

A. a block
B. a preparation
C. a release

 18. In "Shuto Uke", it's especially important to...

A. bind the back leg
B. block shoulder
C. harden the edge

 19. "Morote Uke" is a technique present...

A. in one Heian
B. in all Heian's
C. in four Heian's

 20. The double "cross-shaped" block is called...

A. Manji Uk
B. Juji Uke
C. Uchi Komi


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