Rank : All
Age : 16 ➔
Start : .. • :
End : .. • :
Fee : CHF
Catering : NO
Accomodation : YES
Currently closed
● Bank transfer
Bank | UBS Switzerland AG | Coordinates | Chemin de la Chênaie 13a 1293 Bellevue | Holder | Ceintures Noires Suisse Shotokan Karaté | Account number | 264-630004.40F | IBAN | CH33 0026 4264 6300 0440 F | BIC | UBSWCHZH80A |
Contact : ✉ ☎
Group leader (age under 50) :
Group leader (age over 50) :
Conditions of participation and disclaimer
To note: the minimum age for participation in the special stage is 16 years. Persons suffering from heart problems are not allowed to participate. By registering, the participant confirms that he/she has not been prescribed any medical contraindications to intensive training and that he/she will follow any medical prescriptions in this regard. He/she assumes full responsibility for any damage to health that may occur due to his/her current state of health and fully exonerates SSK in this regard. The management of the special training has the right to refuse participation to a participant for health reasons.
Please ask Dojo leaders to repeat the rules governing the special course to temporary members.
What is the Shotokan Special Training ?
The SPECIAL TRAINING COURSE (a series of very intense training sessions over several days) is a special feature of our organization and a vital tool for personal development, particularly in terms of mental attitude, in the Shotokan style.
The special course brings karatekas together for several days in a sports complex and follows a virtually unchanging program: at least 6 hours of daily training over 2 and a half to 4 days, corresponding to a complete review of basic training during which the aim is to surpass oneself, to push back the limits.
The aim of the special course is not to learn new techniques. The courses are long and intense: several thousand techniques, sparring with fifty or so partners, a hundred katas, an hour and a half of kiba dachi, and so on. This complete immersion in karate-do leads to spectacular progress: it breaks down self-resistance (mental blocks) more easily than less advanced training. What's more, the hours of joint effort and testing strengthen the bonds between karatekas. Many karatekas agree that the special training course was the most rewarding and challenging mental and physical experience of their lives (source: Daniel Chemla).
SUISSE SHOTOKAN KARATE® organizes three special courses a year. In May (special summer seminar with Dan grades), in September (special autumn seminar) and in January (special winter seminar).